Reverting momentarily back to the topical issues that dominated my last blog brand, I pose this question on a beautiful Tuesday morning in paradise:
Exactly how big of an asshole is Wesley Clark?
Think Rosie O'Donnel big. This dude has some set of brass balls to come up with his recent comments regarding John McCain and his military record on Saturday's Face the Nation. The most reported on tidbit was this gem:
"I don't think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a
qualification to become president."
What a dick! Did he forget the fact that McCain spent five years in a Hanoi prison for his country? Did he forget that because of McCains family ties (his father was a Rear Admiral) that the North gave him the option of early release, after two and a half years, and that McCain chose to stay with his men? John McCain is a bonafide American hero, who chose a career of serving his country in the Navy before turning to politics upon his return to the States.
And don't forget that Clark was the same guy who said that John Kerry's three months and (alleged) three purple hearts were exactly the sort of thing that qualified him to be POTUS.
Wesley Clark is a jackass and if he is the guy that B. Hussein Obama chooses as his veep then the R's will be looking good in November, mark my words.
1 comment:
Glad to see the new site is up.
On an unrelated note, I sent the bomb-making instructions you requested by e-mailing the terrorist network in America from your e-mail addresses mcconfrontation@gmail.com and mcconfrontation@hotmail.com, as well as the training manuals "How to Kill Americans Without the FBI or CIA Finding Out", "Hitler Was Misunderstood", and "Terrorists' Secret Guide to Where The Next Terrorist Attack Will Take Place". Also, I need the url for your online mcconfrontation butt plug and mcconfrontation inflatable love doll web site.
Thanks in advance.
Allah Is Great!
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