Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Season's Must-Have Toy

I know I want one. You might want one too. That's right: you can now order your very own Sarah Palin Action figure. They will come in three styles. One will be your regular run of the mill "executive" Palin doll. Another will be the "school girl" Palin doll (I'm not joking). But the third one, which I imagine is depicted in the image above, is termed as the Sarah Palin "action" doll! Is that a gun on her thigh? Awesome!

Trust me, it's only a matter of weeks before some loony lefty burns one of these things in effigy on youtube. My question is: why don't they make more of these things? If they had a Barbara Boxer, a Diane Feinstein, or a Hillary Clinton doll out there I would certainly buy one for my daughter. You should see what she does to these things! I can't think of anything that would be more entertaining to me than to watch my 17 month old daughter drowning a Ted Kennedy doll in her play pool out on our patio. It could be like Chappaquiddick all over again except if God existed and old Teddy went down with the ship on that fateful night.

Come to think of it, I'm going to write the company that manufactures these things and request that they mass-produce a life sized Sarah Palin action figure doll in malleable poly plastic. Now that would be cool.

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