Friday, September 26, 2008

10 & 2

I don't how I came to this or if it's even true, but it occurred to me today that people who walk with their toes pointed out are naturally happier people. When contrasted with the demeanors of people you may see walking on the street with bowed legs, or even the straight steppers, it just seems to me that people that stroll with an open gait are generally more congenial folk. Does anyone agree? Think about it: you see a guy skulking down the avenue with his toes pointed in. He mostly walks on the balls of his feet; maybe he drags his heels. Almost always these people are hunched over a bit, their shoulders getting across the finish line before their hips. Do they ever have a smile on their faces? Now imagine that rotund guy walking on his heels. His toes are pointing 10 & 2. That guy is always smiling. That guy is open to whatever life is going to throw at him on his walk. His feet do not present a defensive posture.

Is there anything to this? Because when it occurred to me it felt like I had uncovered some secret of life that I never heard anyone else talk about. Now I'll be examining every man, woman and child and the way they perambulate. If you got to the end of this post I'm betting you'll do the same.

Feedback appreciated.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Season's Must-Have Toy

I know I want one. You might want one too. That's right: you can now order your very own Sarah Palin Action figure. They will come in three styles. One will be your regular run of the mill "executive" Palin doll. Another will be the "school girl" Palin doll (I'm not joking). But the third one, which I imagine is depicted in the image above, is termed as the Sarah Palin "action" doll! Is that a gun on her thigh? Awesome!

Trust me, it's only a matter of weeks before some loony lefty burns one of these things in effigy on youtube. My question is: why don't they make more of these things? If they had a Barbara Boxer, a Diane Feinstein, or a Hillary Clinton doll out there I would certainly buy one for my daughter. You should see what she does to these things! I can't think of anything that would be more entertaining to me than to watch my 17 month old daughter drowning a Ted Kennedy doll in her play pool out on our patio. It could be like Chappaquiddick all over again except if God existed and old Teddy went down with the ship on that fateful night.

Come to think of it, I'm going to write the company that manufactures these things and request that they mass-produce a life sized Sarah Palin action figure doll in malleable poly plastic. Now that would be cool.